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  1. June Vannatto
    17 April 2010 @ 8:17 pm

    What an experience! Reading it “after the fact” had us rolling over laughing….but I’m sure you felt like crying many times! And we thought we had the experience of a lifetime with a station wagon
    breaking down and starting between Three Hills and Thunder Bay! We replaced most of the electrical system before one wise mechanic discovered it was a belt! But we didn’t have kids, or a dead cat, or two languages, or border officials or a host of other things you dealt with. (Your description of the border officials checking and double checking the numbers and paperwork reminded us SO much of our African border crossings! )

    And yes, document it, because 30 years later, we can laugh about our experiences…as you will also do 30 years from now!!

    We will pray that you find time to somehow relax and that God will give you those moments of calm in the midst of the busyness of ministry and life.

  2. Christine McDougall
    17 April 2010 @ 11:01 pm

    Wow! What an experience!
    Thank you for taking the time to share with us about your “vacation”. I read all four to the family. We laughed and ewwwed (especially about the dead cat). I know that one day you will be able to look back on this time, think fondly of it and have a good laugh.

    We will be praying that God will help you find time to be together just the four of you for some family time and that you will have your “tanks” recharged ready for the next few busy weeks.
    Love to all.
    In Christ
    The McDougall Family
    Doug, Christine, Arianna, Carolyn and Caleb

  3. Jim
    18 April 2010 @ 7:30 pm

    Oh my, that sounds like quite an experience between Three Hills and Thunder Bay (that doesn’t exactly narrow down where you were!) 😉 !

    Glad you all found it entertaining. It makes it all worthwhile. 🙂

  4. June Vannatto
    19 April 2010 @ 5:19 am

    Well the problem started somewhere outside of Three Hills….and we did the “breakdown, got it fixed, hit the road again” cycle all the way to Thunder Bay where God sent a kind minister who we had never met and a great mechanic to solve the problem. But we didn’t document the story (too busy with Paul’s sister’s wedding which happened as soon as we got home) to document it… 30 years later it goes down as one of those lifetime experiences…but probably we lost a few neat details along the way!!

  5. Grandma C.
    21 April 2010 @ 5:24 pm

    I’ve finally finished reading the whole saga. (Dad wondered how I had the patience – I guess it’s a “gal thing.”) I laughed out loud too at times, reading through this ordeal, but most often it was, “Oh no!”

    I think you could almost write a full-length book about JUST trying to get from the USA to Mexico again. If not, a feature for a magazine. And think of the sermon illustrations! Wow!

    Thank YOU for typing all these details out. God doesn’t waste a thing in our lives, so it will be exciting to see what comes of this. (If not in this life, in our heaenly home!)


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