In Arizona

Tonight we stop – and we’ll be enjoying a day of rest from driving tomorrow – not too far from the US/MX border.  It’s our second day in Arizona.

Can you believe it though – we’re not even done 60% of our trip south yet!  Yes, Mexico is another BIG country.

In fact, it’s even longer to go when you consider that we’re just stopping home then heading out for a team retreat and then a conference.  So we really don’t get home – really home – until the 26th of November

We were able to stop mid-trip today to get a headlight replaced, so that’s one repair out of the way.  And we finished our drive a little earlier today – and we’re REALLY looking forward to actually getting a little sleep!

Thanks for your prayers.  We’re more than half-way home!

Nathanael in the snow
Nathanael in the snow this morning.
The freezing temperatures have followed us
up until this afternoon!