The purpose of this page is to provide information about our visit to Canada’s Prairie Provinces in 2023. It will be updated as new information becomes available. 🙂
Seminars, etc.
If you’re interested in having us come to your church to give a special presentation, let us know! Here is some information about what we’re currently offering:
Can we serve your Church or Small Group?
Can you help?
You’ve probably noticed, travel isn’t what it used to be! If you would like to help during our time in Canada, we’ll try to post ideas here.
Right now, we’re especially looking for opportunities to present the “Where did the Bible Come from?” seminar. If your group is interested, please let us know! And yes, we do still have some Sundays (and times during the week) available – contact us for details.
Tour Dates
- Thursday the 22nd: WMF Hannah Circle, Three Hills, AB
- Sunday the 2nd: West Zion Mennonite Church, Carstairs, AB
- Sunday the 9th: Cremona Country Fellowship, Cremona, AB
- Sunday the 16th: Mirror Alliance Church, Mirror, AB
- Sunday the 30th: Innisfail Baptist Church, Innisfail, AB
- Sunday the 6th: First Evangelical Free Church, Calgary, AB (*See note below)
- Sunday the 13th: First Evangelical Free Church, Calgary, AB
- Saturday/Sunday (19th-20th): Where did the Bible Come From? seminar, Provost, AB
- Saturday 6:30pm-8:45pm, Sunday 12:45pm-4:45pm at New Hope Gospel Church
- Sunday the 20th: New Hope Gospel Church, Provost, AB
- Sunday the 27th: Glendon Evangelical Church, Glendon, AB (service at 11:00am)
- Sunday afternoon: We’ll be presenting a seminar on the Environment from a biblical perspective.
* On the 6th of August we will be sharing only briefly, but we will be with a special guest! The following Sunday – the 13th – Jim will preach and give a report.
- Sunday the 10th: Penhold Church of Hope, Penhold, AB
- Sunday the 17th: South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church, Calgary, AB (*See note below)
- Sunday the 24th: Grace Community Church, Maidstone, SK
* On the 17th of September we will only be giving a brief report.
- Sunday the 1st: Christian Fellowship Chapel, Winnipeg, MB
- Sunday the 15th: Prairie Tabernacle, Three Hills, AB
- Tuesday the 24th: Prairie Tabernacle Prayer Meeting
- Thursday the 26th: WMF Hannah Circle, Three Hills, AB
- Friday/Saturday (27th-28th): Where did the Bible Come From? seminar, Cremona, AB
- Friday: 6:30pm-8:45pm Saturday: 10am-2pm at Cremona Country Fellowship
- Saturday the 4th: Mission Connection Mexican Fiesta, Three Hills, AB
- 2pm in the Blue Room – Prairie Tabernacle
More information will be added as it becomes available. 🙂