Merry Christmas!

Below is the Word Search and Carol Quiz from our Nov 2003 newsletter.  For the answers, click the link at the bottom of the page.

1. Wise Men Word Search

Find the words in this word search that relate to the wise men.
Scoring:  under 5 - you can do better!  6-10 - Good start!  11-15 - Very Good!  Over 15 - Word Search Master

Wise Men Word Search!

2. Spanish Carol Quiz

Guess the English titles of these Christmas carols in Spanish:

Noche de paz
Santa la noche
Angeles cantando están
Al rústico pesebre
Venid, fieles todos
Cristianos, hoy cantad a Dios
Oh, pueblecito de Belén

Ok, I've got it all figured out.  Show me the answers!

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