A non-pornographic Car Wash

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had this issue to deal with, but I’ve been looking for a non-pornographic car wash.

Around here, the cool way to promote your car wash is to put a big sign on the road with a – well, no reason to go into detail.  But a sign that I don’t want to look at.

And I’m just not real excited about using a car wash that would promote itself that way.

Two car washes that I’ve used here in town have since shut down.  The car wash I’ve been using lately – well, they’ve put out one of those signs – a big huge one.

Lately I’ve noticed another car wash in town that just has a sign that says – well, "car wash".  In Spanish, of course.  Imagine that.

Around here, people keep their vehicles sparkling clean, generally speaking.  I have a hard time keeping up with the Joneses and making the car wash such a priority.  But yesterday I bit the bullet and went to the car wash I’d found.

Our van getting a shampoo

I drove in – hmmmmm – looks good … no objectionable posters or calendars … so far so good.  They told me the wash would take about an hour (!), but I decided to wait.

Well, the good news is, they did a fairly good job with the wash.  Ok, they destroyed some Pringles that I probably shouldn’t have bought anyway (but hey, I hadn’t had lunch yet!), but we won’t mention that.  Although I think I may have left their tip in my pocket.

On the other hand, the loud pounding marijuana song was about the best music they played all afternoon.  So I guess I still won’t be taking my kids along.

And the hour-long wait was actually almost an hour and 45 minutes.  All right, so I had it washed inside and out, but I got the simplest, cheapest, package they had.  How long would the super-deluxe wash take??

The worst part was that about half an hour in Shari messaged me to let me know she would need the van soon.  At that point, I assumed I could make it.  But by the time I was supposed to be leaving the van was hemmed in between two other vehicles, and … well, let’s just say Shari didn’t get her errands done.

So I found a non-pornographic car wash at last.  But I can just not look at the signs – the music is harder to ignore.  I guess I’ll keep looking…