What is

     Some of us picture doctrine as a group of seminary students in a classroom discussing theories about what the Bible doesn't specifically address.  But why waste our energy (and destroy our unity) over such things?
     There can be good doctrine and bad doctrine (Jesus warned his followers about the doctrine of the Pharisees, for example Matt 16:12).  The good doctrine we're talking about here, and that Paul talks about in 2Timothy, is the teaching of the truth that is found in Scripture.  Imagine a progression of truth like this:

Incarnation – The foundation of all truth; the ultimate incarnation of Truth is Jesus Christ. (2Tim 1:9-10)
  Communication – The perfect Word of God which shows us Jesus; God's communication with us. (2Tim 3:16-17)
    Apprehension – We look into the Word and the Spirit helps us to internalize what God is saying. (2Tim 3:14-15)
      Demonstration – Living the truth that we find in Scripture; growing to be more like Christ.  In a way we become a new "incarnation" of the truth. (2Tim 3:10-12)
        Instruction – What is often called "doctrine" in 2Tim; the sharing of the truth with others; teaching. (2Tim 4:2)
          Succession – The truth is passed on to disciples who will begin to become more like Christ as well.  The cycle continues. (2Tim 2:2)

     In the end, doctrine, good doctrine, is simply sharing Jesus.  If no one had bothered to give us the truth of Christ (doctrine) none of us would have a chance of eternal life, true joy, peace, or anything that we have in Christ.  Doctrine in this sense is not an important component of the Christian faith – it is at the very heart of our faith! It's the teaching of salvation!

     Now, let's look at five things Paul encourages Timothy to do that we can do too . . .

» Step 1: Let it GROW

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This article is ©2002 James Cottrill