As far as we can tell, tomorrow is the 4th annual “Mega Service” for our associated churches in the Mexico City area. We’re heading out to an ecopark in the pass between our local volcanoes for an outdoor service (under a tent or tarp). It’s one of the few places that can hold 400+ people for a price the churches can afford! I’m thinking about 10 churches will be represented, but that’s just a guess.
(And yes, for us it will be a little chilly. Around 13℃, probably. Don’t laugh, Canadian friends.)
Anyway, this is a particular prayer requests because our team is especially involved in the service. Yes, this year a lot of missionaries are involved – our friend Chuck will be leading the service, and Rod will be leading the music, with a music group made up of talented people from various churches, I believe. There will also be a communion service, led by a pastor friend of ours (Paco) from Mexico City. And of course a host of other people are involved in setup, take-down, organization, watching kids….
And – I’m the speaker! So I would appreciate your prayers for everyone involved, including me, that God’s Word would touch hearts. And that the fellowship would be an encouragement to many.
We’ll be heading up about 9am, and the service is supposed to start at 11am, with time before and after to hang out with people, eat lunch after the service, etc.
Thanks for your prayers!