La DespedidaToday we were up well before 5am getting ready for the sunrise service at Samuel and Aurora’s home. We went to Jesús María to pick people up, then we headed up to the service.
I was leading the service this morning. I decided to share a series of passages that related to the resurrection throughout the service. In case you’re interested, here they are:
1Corinthians 15:3-6, 12-22
Philippians 3:8-12
2Corinthians 5:14-15
Colossians 3:1-4
Romans 8:10-11, 28-39
1Peter 1:3-9, 17-25The team taught a children’s song, and three of them shared their testimonies. Rod shared the message.
After the service the men started grilling meat, cactus, and onions – and we had a fantastic meal. We hung out for a while, and the kids swam in the kiddie pool.
Then we had a despedida for the team – that is, a farewell party.
Everybody thanked each other and praised God, and the team received some gifts. It was great to see the relationships that have been built in just a few days. Finally, Ismael prayed for the churches in Canada that the teams come from, and Dave prayed for the churches here in Ixtapaluca.
Just in case anyone doubted we were in Mexico, we had a piñata. Tiffany chose this fantastic bird piñata – a bird that was quite angry. And we smashed it and got candy.
The team members are hanging out with their new friends this evening, and packing up for the trip back to Canada in the morning!
A great way to spend Resurrection Sunday! Praising the Lord for all that He has done in so many lives – in Canada and in Mexico!