Sadly, two people on our team of CAM missionaries are leaving to go to another team. Rollie and Jo Ann Smith are joining another team (for various reasons – none of them bad!). (Well, bad for us – because we’ll miss them!)
This gave us a golden opportunity. At our last team meeting, the other team members snuck out and made a video for them. After all, even missionaries can have fun. Sometimes.
As you’ll see, the video was really made for them, so some explanations are required before you watch. First, a "T2" is a Transformation Team (two ts, get it?) – that’s what our mission teams are called. All CAM missionaries are on a T2.
Secondly, some poetic license was being taken (ok, a LOT of poetic license!) – the Smiths aren’t really being sent to Pachuca (a place in central Mexico), but they’re joining the Pachuca team – so called because most of the missionaries have been from around Pachuca (actually, that’s not even the official team name).
Lastly, and most obviously, they changed teams because of mutual discussion and agreement, not … well, not for the reasons you’ll see here.
So even if you’re not an "insider", you might enjoy this video. A good reminder that we have some cool missionary friends. Or some weird missionary friends. Or both.
(By the way, as we told the Smiths – be sure to watch the whole thing – it’s just over 10 minutes)