If you would be interested in praying for our activities tomorrow, we would appreciate it!
Here’s the deal. For the last 7 days we’ve gotten sick. Hannah, then Nathanael (a little, not much), then Jim, Hannah still, then Shari… nothing serious or lasting (I hope), and Hannah and Shari were at the doctor today, Nathanael’s fine, and Hannah’s almost better. And I’m … well, Shari and I are pretty sick still. (It’s not just us, by the way. A lot of people here have been struggling lately) But we’ll be better soon.
However, tomorrow is sooner than soon. 😉
Tomorrow I’m leading a special adoration service. We’re going to be doing something quite different – and learning lots of new songs – which means I’ll be talking or singing the majority of the time. It should be fun… but I hope my voice holds out!
After the service I’ll be helping to lead studies for those who are being baptized. These are very important times – please pray that José and I would have the words to say.
Shari (if she’s well enough to go!) will be leading a special time for the teachers and helpers of Sunday School, to help them in their upcoming lessons, and also to discuss some other children’s ministry stuff. This will probably be the last meeting she has with them before we leave for a while.
So – yes! Pray that people’s eyes will be on the Lord, that we will show His Spirit, and that we will survive the day. 🙂
And that we would be feeling better quick because next weekend…. —– well, we’ll talk about that later.