Today I opened the door to our street, letting in the mail lady on her motorcycle, so that she could deliver these flags. It was actually a package with the words to the national anthem, and a letter from the President! Imagine! 😉
So, the celebration of Mexico’s bicentennial continues!
Meanwhile, fall activities are starting up at the community centre (Centro Cultural Tiempo de Vivir). Tonight the English classes start, along with basketball. And I hear that Tiffany will be starting a line dancing class – Ixtapaluca will never be the same again!
By the way, if you click on the church logo to the right – it looks like this –

– you can see a calendar of community centre and church related events. It’s in Spanish, of course, but it will give you an idea what’s going on at the moment.
I’m busy with some things that aren’t on the calendar (all right, gaZILLIONS of things that aren’t on the calendar!). Back at the church in Santa Barbara, I’m teaching a class on playing keyboard for worship.
We had a good time this morning at the first class, learning about what Colossians 3:9-17 can teach us about music and worship (of course, worship can be music, and music can be worship, but worship is much more than music… music is the minority of worship…. at least, it should be!), learning chords and the use of the sustain pedal, and other stuff like that there.
I’m also working on the next study. We’re doing a Tuesday night study now on some of the basics of the Christian life. But after that is coming something new – it’s going to be a blast – I’ll tell you about it once it has formed some more! 🙂
Shari is working on baking classes and Bible studies. And she’s been busy putting together the fall schedule for Sunday School. They’re going through the Bible chronologically with the kids – fun stuff! And in spite of the fact that they’re packed in like sardines in a small space, the kids keep coming!
And Hannah and Nathanael – wow, they only have 2.5 weeks left until their first exam week. Ah, the wonderful things we get to look forward to!
But after exam week, we’re looking forward to a visit from the director of CAM Canada, Charlene de Haan. How cool is that? Now that is something we can look forward to. 🙂
Anyway, I need to get back to helping Nathanael with his homework… then I’m going to see how the English classes are going. Bye for now!