Sick has been the word, lately – not just us, either. Other members of our team have been hit with one thing or another lately.
On Sunday I started feeling sick – I was hoping it was just my imagination, but by Monday morning it was obvious it wasn’t.
In the mean time, Nathanael’s eyes started getting red. You guessed it – the dreaded "pink eye"!
So the boys in the family went off to the doctor yesterday morning. Nathanael got a couple of drugs (including his "favourite" – eye drops), and I got some too (not eye drops. Vitamins, though, not just drugs. Imagine that!).
Nathanael is fine other than his eyes – lots of energy. But he’s home from school for one more day while we try to get him better.
I’ve been pretty out of it the last couple of days, but – no rest for the wicked … er … weary … whatever. I was trying to help Shari with her study (she helping to lead a women’s study now) and trying to keep the kids moving. Shari was up until 1 or 2 in the morning I believe, working on the study. I should have been up until 1 or 2 working on the Chronological Bible Study, but I was just too out of it.
So today I’m still out of it, but trying to do something. Like help Nathanael with his homework. Hopefully Shari will get a bit of a break so that she doesn’t get sick – though she may be nursing people back to health!
Then this morning we got word that one of the interns was quite sick. Sounds like a stomach bug, but when he got it HE GOT IT. So the Frys were up half the night helping him, and they’re trying to nurse him back to health today. They’re taking good care of him – so I have no doubt he’ll be back in the game very soon. But I’m sure he would appreciate your prayers.
We appreciate your prayers in the midst of what sometimes feels like chaos – God is working, and of course He’s reminding us that He can work even when we’re tired and sick. It’s not like He "needs" our brilliant efforts to accomplish His purpose. But He still wants us involved – thanks for those who are praying for us and helping in so many ways! There are exciting things happening as God’s Word is being spread.
Lord willing I’ll be able to make it to the study tonight… we’ll see. Either way, pray for José who will be leading, Lord willing. It’s a very key topic tonight (I guess it is every night, though, in a 15 week study of the whole Bible!) – the Call of Abram.