Just pour it on my laptop, please…
Can you believe it? I’m actually connected to the internet – at home! It’s been a while. Actually, we’ve had some issues trying to get everything sorted out.
First, yes, we have moved into our house. More on that later, no doubt. But suffice to say we are here, and gradually getting settled!
But back to computers and internet things. We set up our laptop on a card table here (remember, we don’t have a lot of furniture). After all, it had lists of which bin we’d packed what in, phone numbers, and lots of other important stuff. But then … someone spilled (or practically hurled) a glass of soda pop on it (Canada Dry – how appropriate). No, it wasn’t a member of our family – we’ll leave it at that. But it was soaked. I ripped off my sweatshirt and tried to soak up the mess, only to discover I was wearing a very un-absorbant sweatshirt. But it was all I had at the time.
Later that afternoon I painstakingly cleaned the entire keyboard (I used a few tips from The Tech Zone). Then I restarted the laptop. Oops. Shouldn’t have done that. I need to log on with a password and … some of the keys don’t work.
So then not only did some of the keys not work, I couldn’t even access the hard drive to get any information off of it! Why oh why did I reboot?
The next day (after much prayer) I discovered that it had dried up a little, and most of the keys worked. Most of the time. It’s a little sticky (I’ll need to clean it again) but it’s more or less working now. Praise the Lord! Here’s hoping it will make a full recovery (the letter “e” is pretty stubborn at the moment).
The internet was supposed to be installed on Tuesday. Apparently someone stopped by, but we didn’t hear the bell. Then someone was supposed to come Saturday, but no one came.
So I called the internet company and the friendly voice said she would talk to someone on Monday (since by that time all the tech folks had gone home). And lo! Someone came today and hooked us up.
So we are very happy to have a (mostly kinda sorta) working laptop, and an internet connection, just so that I can share this little story with you. Maybe I can share more stories now that we’re back online. We’ll see…