Here is a five minute video from the baking classes – well, with a little extra from yesterday’s craft class. This was a community event from Word of Life Chapel along with the Tiempo de Vivir community centre and the Path of Life Bible Church in the community of Jesús MarÃa.
Sharing from the Bible at the end of the craft class.
So see if you can figure out what they’re making. Ok, I’ll tell you one, because it makes one scene near the end make more sense – they made whoopie pies.
I’m not sure what the final numbers were, but you can get an idea from the videos. There were two “classes” of three days each, so basically double what you see in one scene above. Some people snuck in their friends and neighbours to join them, and some brought kids – so the “official” numbers probably aren’t right anyway!
Amazing the amount of work that went into this – especially by the women on the team and Mayra and Shari, and also women from the church!
During or after the actual baking was a devotional/testimony time, where the gospel was shared. There were also some great one-on-one spiritual conversations happening.
So – friends from outside of Mexico – does this look like a ministry you could be involved in? 😋
Oh, one comment on the photo above. The person on the left sitting on the table reading the Bible is Marla. This is the end of yesterday’s craft class. Marla does some flower arranging in the USA, and is properly amazed at the price of flowers here. So – she did some flower arranging for the women at the class – everyone got to take home a bouquet of roses! 🌹
Just a few quick photos of the first day of construction and baking classes in Jesús MarÃa, with the team from Word of Life Chapel. Baking classes and a kitchen – I guess it’s all about food this week! I’ll try to post more pictures and some video when I have a chance.
There were two classes yesterday, and there will be two today and tomorrow as well. We had a good turnout – maybe a little low due to rain, so you could pray for better weather today and tomorrow. 🙂
The gospel was shared, relationships were built, and there were some good spiritual conversations. May the Spirit work again today!
Shari translates and gives some pointers.
Nathanael helps paint a table for the new kitchen in the church’s building.
Well, midsummer (summer solstice) has arrived here in the northern hemisphere. Since I haven’t had much of an opportunity to write lately, I’m taking a moment to look backward and forward to catch you up on what’s happening.
The last Two Weeks
Daryl and my Dad check out the new shed we assembled.
I just finished a brief trip to Canada, to help my parents move. They just moved a few blocks away – within the same town – but if any of you have tried such a thing, you know how challenging it can be!
Thanks to Daryl and Iwona, and many from the local churches, who helped so much (and are still helping as my parents finish up the move!).
I also had a chance to see Hannah, and Shari’s parents, and many others in Three Hills before I took off back to Mexico.
During my absence from Mexico, lots was happening as usual! You’ll want to check out Rod’s post about the team that he and Mayra took down to Oaxaca – A Wonderful Week in Oaxaca.
“Regular” ministry continues, as I get ready for Sunday’s continuing teaching on the Ten Commandments, and of course Hebrews.
At the beginning of July, Hannah will be coming home for the summer! Yes, we tried to time it so that we could both come back together, but it didn’t quite work out. So, as Hannah finishes her exams, we will prepare for her arrival!
On the side of practical matters, Avant and Camino Global are rushing toward unification as one mission. There are a thousand details to talk about and work through. The official date of launch is the 1st of July.
If you receive our newsletter, and if I have your email address, I will try to get some information out to you on or before that date. Otherwise, hopefully you’ll be seeing some changes here on our website shortly with more information, and we’ll get a letter to you by snail mail next month.
So, yes, a lot is happening right now! But it’s the longest day of the year – I should be able to get something done, right? 😀
Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers. I’ll try to keep you up to date as I’m able.
Shari has been warming up – quite literally – for the baking classes that will be happening later this month. A team from Word of Life Chapel will be arriving on the 22nd of June, and this is one of the ministries that they will be involved in in Jesús MarÃa, at the community centre.
Just a little baking? Well, it’s not simple. The team will be teaching some typical Pennsylvanian recipes – which, of course, need to be translated into Spanish. And tested at a high altitude. And perhaps some ingredients need to be replaced with something available in Mexico. And will the timing be right for the class?
So Shari and Mayra have been preparing – testing and translating recipes. Rod recently posted this on Facebook, along with the above promo poster:
On the very first day of promoting this event we had 40 non-churched women respond to a Facebook post! Add another 20 women from the church, and you have a good problem…too many interested women! Please pray for these coming months of ministry.
Yes, pray! This is a very big undertaking. But baking classes have also been and can be a fruitful ministry in the community. And in less than two weeks, ovens will be hot!