There’s another countdown going on… the countdown to Hannah and Nathanael’s birthday party tomorrow!
Why a party? Well, you know the obvious reason – it’s for Hannah and Nathanael! Believe it or not, they have to put up with a lot in the life we live. And we’re happy to make the time to thank God for their lives (as we say here in Mexico) and honour them.
But we like it when things are multipurpose. Part of the reason we put on parties (as opposed to just having a little family party, for example), is to bring people together. Believers, non-believers, they can talk and play together. We can get to know people that we don’t usually see outside of a certain context (for example, parents of Hannah’s classmates).
We also like to find ways to stimulate conversation. Maybe giving out a colouring page with a verse on it. Or playing a game based on a Bible story. Who knows? (No, I really don’t know … not quite ready for this party yet!)
So we do pray that each party is an opportunity to give to people and to glorify God. Only a few hours until the party begins!
You’ve probably heard about another countdown – the one from Harold Camping of Family Radio in the USA. Camping is claiming that the world will come to an end – well, specifically, the rapture will occur and earthquakes will begin at 6pm on the 21st of May… tomorrow.
That’s 6pm whatever time zone you’re in, which means the earthquakes are supposed to occur in sequence around the world as it changes to 6pm in each time zone.
No one really knows how many people are taking Camping seriously. He has told his followers that churches are ruled by Satan, so they have left the churches (that’s right, if you belong to a local church, you’re under Satan’s rule and are in big trouble tomorrow, according to Camping). However, he is heard all over the world – a Mexican friend even mentioned him to me the other day.
I’ve seen a few major false date-setting prophecies in my lifetime, but I don’t think anyone has been watched as closely as this one. Videos on YouTube have featured Camping each day for the last two weeks. Major news outlets mock him. And he’s been live on the radio each day, being both mocked and admired.
Some are ready to report on the failure of his prophecy – for example, you can report in your area when it’s 6pm and the rapture has failed to occur. Or, if you believe in the 21st of May date, you can hire an atheist to look after your pet when you go.
When it is beyond any reasonable doubt tomorrow that Camping is a false prophet, what will happen to his followers? Some have left their families, sold everything, or have just enough to make it until tomorrow. Chances are, most won’t find their way to a Bible believing church, but instead will be convinced that all this Bible stuff is nonsense (if they don’t give up on life altogether).
Meanwhile, as usual the world will lump in true believers with people like Camping, who uses very biblical language and mixes in truth with error. "You don’t believe in the end of the world like that NUT, do you?" And how will you answer?
It’s sad to see people pushed away from the kingdom by false prophets, but not unexpected. Remember what Paul said to Timothy (1Tim 4:1-4):
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
So remember to pray for those who are deceived, remember to go back to what the Bible says, and be ready to give an answer – whether it be on the street or at a party.