It’s been a while since I gave you a general overview of what we’ve been up to lately. So, here goes!
Nathanael is excited about all the Christmas decorations he’s seeing everywhere. He’s enjoying things like colouring, reading (or at least looking at the pictures!), and playing with his toys. He’s learning lots of new words, and even working on some phrases (yesterday he was asking Hannah for a paper – "Hannah paper have-it!") Nathanael’s here now, so here’s what he has to say: uuy i uiuu
Hannah is also VERY excited about Christmas. She’s been helping with the decorating and gift buying or making and so on. Hannah loooooves to colour, and go places and be with people. In the evenings, we’ve been learning about the Christmas story through Christmas Carols, with this cool book Christmas Carols for a Kids Heart (click the graphic to learn more). The book was an early Christmas present for her. Hannah is also looking forward to furthering her acting career by being an angel in our church Christmas program.
Variety is the name of the game! There’s been paperwork to do as always, and the regular work around the house and errands to do. I’ve been working on my final course before Mexico. For this part of the course I’m reading Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship (click the graphic to learn more), a book I’ve been wanted to read anyway. I’m a little behind where I want to be on the course, so I’m trying to catch up. I’m getting ready to speak this coming Sunday in Innisfail, and I’m working on engagements for the new year. And, of course, we’re all getting ready for Christmas! And the list goes on…
As with all of us, there’s lots of variety! Again there has been a lot of paperwork, housework and errands of various flavours. Shari was speaking at our church’s ladies’ Christmas party last week (she talked about Christmas traditions in Mexico, inspiring the last blog entry). She’s getting ready for a wedding she’ll be going to later this month in Oregon. And the list goes on and on…
Well, I’m brushing very broad strokes here. It really is very very busy right now! But we are making progress.
By the way, I’ve updated our donations page to show where our support is at, so that should be accurate at least for a few hours. As you can see, the numbers are all still rising. It looks like some supporters will need to cut back in the new year, so please pray that there will be others to take their place.
On another website note, I’m continuing to repair the categories of the blogs. Now there’s a whole year that you can view by category, so you can check that out using the menu to the right. I was reminded that a year ago we were in the USA, beginning our whirlwind tour across the northern States. About a year ago I was writing these Christmas thoughts about the shepherds.
Speaking of how busy we are, I have some errands to do – the doctor’s, preparing for Sunday, this and that – I’d better run! Thanks for stopping by.