I should have known that it was going to be a rough day when I bashed myself in the head first thing in the morning. But ever the optimist, I started driving in hopes that I didn’t have a concussion (don’t ask how I did it – but I hit it hard). I didn’t have a concussion, but it was quite a day. We drove from Red Lake to Cocheneur for breakfast with some friends (there’s a picture of one of them in the album – Caitlyn). Then we headed out to Thunder Bay.
There are a lot of people we wanted to see here in northern Ontario – in various places such as Dryden, Kenora and Thunder Bay. But we just weren’t able. We went to a hotel to spend some time as a family, but arrived very late. Having promised a swim to Hannah, we went for a quick swim, then had supper somewhere around 11pm as Shari tried to finish the first load of laundry. After Hannah had her bath (yes, it had been a long time) we finally got her to bed…
I didn’t mention many of the other things we had to do that night (last night), but we finally got to bed too, only to wake up to Nathanael around 2am. I couldn’t quiet him down, so I did the world’s fastest diaper change and Shari fed him and we all went back to sleep, until 5am when he got up again. That’s ok because Shari got up again just before 7am to continue the laundry. You know how hard it is to wake up if you really fall into a deep sleep. Anyway, after a rushed checkout, checking the fluid levels in the van, a trip to the store and getting gas, we had some breakfast/lunch around 12:30 or 1pm, and then started out on what’s probably our second longest trip thus far. It was a full moon last night – the harvest moon. And let me tell you, there hasn’t been as much lunacy since our trip began as there was last night!
If you’re interested in praying… As you may imagine, we’re all pretty run down at the moment. I mentioned in earlier blogs that Nathanael was sick – that’s probably why he’s waking up in the night. He’s generally a good sleeper. I haven’t mentioned that Hannah has also been sick. It’s just a cold, but it’s a bit of a nasty one, so she’s having a rough time. So keep praying for health and … sleep, if you think of it.
We’ve travelled over 3300km (over 2050mi), and are currently in Wawa, Ontario. The weather continues warm and sunny. On Friday we take the Little Bear train route to Moosonee, where we’ll spend a few travel-free days speaking at the Moosonee Baptist Church. Then it’s off to other northern Ontario destinations.