Studies, donations, and fiestas
Good morning! I’m just stopping by to let you know what we’ve been up to lately. But first, I wanted to share this cool picture from fellow bloggers at MexiText of a Mexican wedding with a mariachi band. You can click the photo to see more pictures of theirs on Flickr.

As you may know we’ve been sick, and I’m afraid we still are – Shari and I, anyway. So it’s been pretty hard to get the work done we need to. We’ve been trying to get done what we can.
I’ve been trying finish my course. This week I sent in my first (smaller) paper. It was on Open Theism (“Does God know the future?”). So now I’m working on the thesis and outline of my last (bigger) paper. After the paper I just have an exam, and I can start on the last course (please pray that the other 44% can be raised for the tuition – see Prefield Training).
We’ve also been trying to get our presentations together from our trip. We’re working on a new set of information mainly for individuals, as well as church presentations. Our next church event is in just over 2 weeks.
On top of that is all the other paperwork that goes along with the job. There’s always lots to do.
Tonight we’re going to try to go to a little Mexican fiesta – this time to see fellow Mexico missionaries, the Neufelds, who are in Canada for a few weeks.
After my earlier optimism, we just found out that September was the lowest month of donations for our ministry since January 2004 (and probably the 3rd lowest month since we started with CAM)! With the rising expenses that I recently mentioned in our prayer requests, we’re finding that we need more wisdom and faith from the Spirit in the weeks ahead. Please continue praying that more people would catch the vision for the work in Mexico.
Still, pledges continue to come in. I know I have at least two more to add to the list. Praise the Lord for each of these people! 😎