The “home” stretch
It’s the home stretch! Well, actually, “home” stretch is probably the wrong term to use. What I mean is, we’re almost ready to embark on The Odyssey – our cross continent ministry trip. Two of the most common questions are: Do your children travel well? Answer – we don’t know! Nathanael is too “new”, and it’s been a long time since Hannah has had a trip this long. Hannah wasn’t a great traveller when she was younger. It’s hard for her to be pinned in one place for so long, and she almost never slept in the car. However, hopefully now that she’s more mature she’ll be able to handle it better. ๐
The other question is: Are you completely out of your minds?! Answer, yes, that’s quite likely! There are reasons why we’re doing this trip the way we’re doing it, but insanity may indeed play a role. ๐ฏ
For the next few days we’re tying up the last loose ends, completing the last doctor’s visits, planning, and packing, packing, packing. We’re planning to take a day off before we go – my parents will be visiting (actually, they’ll likely be staying here for a few days before they move to their new home). We’ll be sharing on Sunday at Calgary’s First Evangelical Free Church (our home church). Loading up on Monday. And heading out on Tuesday. What awaits us? I guess we’ll see what God has in store! ๐