“Words” study logo – “You have the words of eternal life”
A lot of things were interrupted back in the spring of 2020. At that time, we were just finishing up a series in adult Sunday School on theological words related to salvation.
You know, like redemption, adoption, regeneration, and so on.
We were almost done the study – I think we had one more word, and a review to go.
But we also had a tentative plan for another study, which I had already started researching for. So, after a significant delay, we’re going ahead with a new series… entitled “Biblical Anthropology”.
Anthropology is, of course, the study of humans. Hence the tagline on the graphic – “Who am I?”
The idea is to give a biblical foundation, and then go on to talk about topics that are relevant today. So, some topics might include gender, transhumanism, art, reproductive technologies, race, art, and technology.
At this point we’re planning on one study a month.
I would appreciate your prayers. It is a major challenge to get across rather deep concepts in a short period of time. For many of the studies, we will also have adults, youth and children all together. And we’ll have to see if we can possibly carry on these thoughts even though there is a break of three or four weeks between each study.
But anyway, our first attempt will be this Sunday, laying foundations about concepts such as truth and relationship. I’m trying to make it interesting and include as much discussion and interaction as possible. So – I’m looking forward to it! But I’m not sure exactly how it will go. 🙂
We appreciate all you people out there who are praying for the ministry here in Mexico! I probably don’t give updates as much as I should, but here are a few things that are going on.
“Discovering Life” – Current Bible Study Series
We had a fun youth event the other day, sacrificing two frisbees and two pizzas to the cause. We had a devotional and talked about the concept of “seeking the Lord” from the story of Asa in 2 Chronicles 14-16 (a fascinating story, by the way).
Bible studies have started up again for the new year, with “Discovering Life 2”, a 15 week study (although we’re not meeting every week). Tomorrow night we continue, studying about how God works in our lives.
Shari is working on a women’s event, which will take place in February. Please pray that this will be a good time of fellowship and encouragement for the women of the church!
The Institute classes continue. We’re doing a survey of the New Testament. Numbers have gone down somewhat, but there are still two churches heavily involved. We should be finishing this course in the spring.
I’ve started doing classes for musicians who want to be involved in worship music, and I’m doing some training for those interested in helping with the sound system. Nathanael has been helping with the sound, and also played his ukulele last Sunday.
There are three men preaching on Sunday mornings right now – well, not at the same time. We’re taking turns, like we learned to do in kindergarten. Anyway, that’s two men plus me. We’re pushing through Romans 9-11, and so we’ve been spending a little extra time discussing the text together, which has been a help to me, anyway!
It looks like we’ll be starting an “anthropology” study as well, one Sunday a month this year. This will be a look at the biblical teaching about men and women, probably covering topics such as artificial intelligence, transhumanism, race, reproductive technology, art, justice, sexuality – you know, some of the topics which occasionally come up these days! I’m working on the first part of the series now, which will start, Lord willing, in February.
A couple other things you could pray about. Please pray for the family of a woman who passed away recently. This woman was highly involved at the church in Jesús María. She was in her 40s. Please pray that the family and her friends would be drawn to the Lord – especially pray for those who are not saved.
Also, a much lesser situation in comparison, but we’re struggling through some small issues with our van insurance. Please pray that these issues would be resolved completely soon. And then we have some maintenance and repairs to take care of. It’s all taking too long (in our impatient opinion)! 🙂
There, now you know some of the things that are happening here! Thanks again to all those who are praying!
Ten years ago today! A group from First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary was serving with us in Ixtapaluca. Good times! And here they are at the community centre in the community of Jesús María, teaching English – head and shoulders, knees and toes, as I recall – well, here in the picture it’s eyes.
For more about what the time was doing (and a toes picture!), just go to English/Canada Class.
I’m just stopping by to share with you a sermon that I preached in Canada. Actually, this is one of the only (if not the only) sermons I specifically prepared on the topic of “missions”. I started working on it for a missions conference in Mexico, but thought it would be an appropriate topic for believers in Canada as well.
It was great to see many of you in central/northern Alberta over the weekend! I wish we could have visited longer with everyone.
From a spontaneous visit as a family to Johnson Lake…
We are looking forward to being in central Alberta for the next couple of weeks, so I just thought I’d stop by again to update our schedule for you, in case you can come and see us.
18 October 2020 (10:30am): Innisfail, AB – We will be sharing at Innisfail Baptist Church. Please contact the church for more information.
25 October 2020 (10:30am): Provost, AB – We will be sharing at New Hope Gospel Church. Again, please contact the church for more information.
I hope all of you in Canada enjoyed a very thankful Thanksgiving! We were able to be with some of Shari’s family. We’re also thankful to hear that most of the crops are in here in Alberta, thanks to God sending some great weather late summer/early fall.
I hope we can see some of you soon! I’ll try to post again when I have more information.
I’m finally taking a breath and sitting down to give you a bit of an update. But it will take more than one post to get through it all! So let’s go in order. 🙂
So after we talked to you last, we spent some time in Saskatchewan, in the Lashburn/Maidstone/Lloydminster area, with my Mom and other friends there. We enjoyed some time with the folks at Grace Community Church in Maidstone, and as planned I spoke there on the 13th of September.
Also in September I spoke at our church in Mexico! By recorded video, this time. 🙂 Actually, this was much more of an “adventure” than we intended. We have had tremendous technical difficulties with one laptop, and since then we’ve gone through hours of tech support, and the problem still isn’t solved. So that has certainly thrown a wrench into the works.
Preaching on the last part of Romans 5 from Saskatchewan to Mexico!
However, thank the Lord, the sermon somehow got edited and uploaded, though not quite with the excellence I would have liked. 🙂
Now, big news. For quite a few months (actually, even longer), my Mom has been batting around the idea of moving to Three Hills. Why Three Hills, you ask? Well, because of the lovely view of the three imposing hills, casting their massive shadows over the landscape of the vast Canadian prairies, of course! Well, a lot of reasons.
First, she has family here now (Hannah, her granddaughter), as well as “in-law” family – Shari’s parents. Also, there’s a place for seniors here (the Golden Hills Lodge), which has the bonus of providing meals (my Mom’s a good cook, but she’s been busy with a lot of things, so this is one big time-saver).
We came to Canada knowing this was a possibility, but she didn’t finally decide until we were in SK last month. Now, how this went down was interesting. Hannah was graduating on the 26th (more on that later). I believe my Mom decided to move on the 16th. And she also decided that she would like to move before Hannah’s grad, so that she could be there for the celebration. Which, when we worked in all the logistics, meant that we basically had 7 days to move, start to finish.
I’m not sure I would have been that ambitious, but since that’s what my Mom wanted to do, we decided to give it a try (and when we had time to think, we realized that there were a number of reasons why this may be a good idea, but we won’t get into all that).
So – the short story — we did it! By God’s grace and through a lot of insanity!
All packed up and ready to leave Lashburn, SK! (or, “Three Hills or Bust”)
So, my Mom has moved to Three Hills! Her address, phone number and email will all be changing, but there are forwarding services in place now. So get a hold of her while you can, and you can get updated on all the new info. 🙂
There’s still a lot to do while she gets settled, but we’re trying to lend a hand where we can. Otherwise, she’s doing well and enjoying catching up with friends and family, and making a lot of new friends.
So I’ll try to update you on our next speaking engagements, and also other adventures (including Hannah’s grad!) when I have the change to take another breath.