Important notice about donations
Important Note: If you’ve donated to our ministry in the last 7 months or so through the CAM Canada office, this post is for you. Towards the end of 2004, our office changed accountants. As a result, there were some problems with some of the incoming donations. The office is in the process of solving these issues.
If you sent us a donation between October and February, and we haven’t acknowledged it, it’s likely that we don’t know yet that you donated. (If you gave in March or April, it’s equally likely that we know about it but haven’t had a chance to thank you yet!) This is probably a temporary problem – we should be notified about your donation soon. However, if you aren’t sure if the donation got to us, check the receipt you got from CAM and make sure the donation went to us and not to the CAM general fund (unless of course you meant it to go to the general fund!). If you have any questions, or just want to double check, please call or email the CAM Canada office as soon as possible. The CAM contact information is on this page.
Sorry for the trouble, but we are working hard to make sure that the situation is resolved as soon as possible.
Gallery tweaks
If you haven’t visited our Photo Gallery in a while, you will find that it has been refreshed. Things look a little nicer, and there are some minor new features added. For example, using a link at the top you can view all pictures in a random order, or in the order of most viewed to least viewed. Also, the 20 most viewed images page is all new and works a lot better. Which are the 20 Most Viewed Images, you ask? Click the link to find out!
And, of course, it still has all the features you know and love. With a click you can have the photos printed and mailed to you. You can watch them as a slide show. And, you can leave comments! Can you beat that?
Today you’ll see lots of new thing around here – updated news and prayer requests included. So take a look around and let us know what you think. 😎
Marriage in Canada
At the end of the month, our MPs go back to work. One of the major issues will be marriage. Should the current definition stand, or should it be changed? Should marriage still be between one man and one woman, or should it be broader?
This is arguably one of the most important issues ever to be debated in government. Polls thus far show that a majority of Canadians support traditional marriage, but the government seems determined that a change needs to be made.
How do you feel about this issue? It’s important that you let your elected officials know how you feel now. Here are some suggestions:
* Take 5 or 10 minutes right now to write a hand written letter to your MP, and to the Prime Minister. Here’s the contact info for the Prime Minister and Justice Minister. Here’s the correct way to address a letter to your MP or the Prime Minister. Don’t know who your MP is? Find out in 30 seconds here. Finally, here’s a sample letter.
* Pray. You can pray all the time, but the 29th and 30th of January are also being set aside for times of praying together (read more here).
Less effective, but still helpful:
* Email all MPs using this link.
* Sign a petition. Paper ones are good, email ones are pointless. Here, however, is an online one.
For more information, Focus on the Family has a site on marriage – visit it here. You can also find out more, including the current stand of your MP, by checking the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada site.
Read some of the latest news headlines on the issue right here.
It just so happened…
Some friends of ours were kind enough to provide us with a ‘night out’ on Sunday. They babysat for us (ok, toddlersat I guess) and provided us with a little cash for the evening. We went to see ‘Ocean Oasis‘, and IMAX movie about part of Mexico. We decided to make it a Mexican evening and try a new Mexican restaurant.
A friend of ours had recommended a place to eat, called ‘Salt & Pepper’. I found out there was one in Bowness (an area in Calgary) but for some reason didn’t take the time to check the phone book. If I had, we wouldn’t have gone to that one because there are a couple other Salt & Peppers in town and both are probably a lot closer than this one was.
Anyway, it was Chad who recommended Salt & Pepper. Chad was our team leader during our first 5 month visit to Mexico.
Anyway, after the IMAX movie (which was good, by the way. God sure made some cool critters!) we went over to Salt & Pepper. The food was really good, although I think I would prefer El Sombrero or El Bombazo Latino Market. But anyway, just as we were finishing up in walked our friend Suzan with her husband and son.
Now you have to understand that this is a very small little place. You also have to understand that we didn’t even know this family was in Calgary (they had just moved here a few days ago). And you also have to understand that we haven’t seen Suzan for years (although we’ve been in touch). Suzan was also on our team to Mexico. Can you beat that? Her husband doesn’t even really like Mexican food, so she was surprised that she had been able to convince him to come. Coincidence?
Anyway, they have moved to Calgary, and that’s really cool. Their son is very close to Hannah’s age, which is also very cool. And just think, we didn’t even know they were here yet!
We had a good evening. It was a pretty major thing for me, because I’ve been pretty sick for a couple weeks and have spent some unwanted time in bed. I’m still sick but I think I’m on the mend now. Must be the Mexican food. 🙄
Too many books … !
Somebody asked me today if I’ve read anything interesting lately, and it reminded me of the bad (?) habit I’ve developed of being in the middle of several things at once, including books. Here are the books that I’m currently actually in the middle of:
Measure Your Life
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Breaking Out Of Beginner’s Spanish
James (yeah the one in the Bible)
Let The Nations Be Glad
Taking Control of TMJ
Yes, pretty bad I know. There’s probably more, but those are the ones I’m fairly serious about finishing! Anyway, I am trying to cut down; hopefully I’ll finish more than I start in the next few weeks. That’s my goal!
It’s been a busy week. We’re getting through some of the things we need to, but there’s a lot still ahead for next week. We appreciate so many people who have helped us in so many ways over the past few weeks! I’ve updated a lot of news and prayer requests (as of last week) and a few pictures (as of today I think) so check those out if you haven’t already. Bye for now!