Dennis’ 101 things about Mexico City
Mexico has been a part of our lives for many years, and so a lot of the time we don’t even notice the differences between life here and life in Canada. For example, I had forgotten just how rough the roads are here.

I was taking our van to the mechanic last week. Our friend Tim was directing me from the passenger seat, and we went on a freeway (highway – whatever you call those fast big roads). This road is very smooth – smoother than anything I’ve driven on for weeks. That’s why Tim noticed that every time I stepped on the brakes, the van shook like we were three feet from the epicentre of an earthquake. Where I normally drive, it always shakes like that.
The mechanic was too busy for me anyway, so this week I’ll take the van in not only for a tune up but also for the brakes. And the air conditioning, which hasn’t worked for some time.
Anyway, I thought you might enjoy Dennis Poulette‘s list of 101 things about Mexico City. Most of them are true here too, although some are different. We’ve had what we consider to be pretty good customer service, for example. And the traffic circles/roundabouts/glorietas aren’t quite as bad here as they are in Mexico City (they have some big ones there – kind of like getting caught up in a tornado).