Valley Bible Church – A Whirlwind of Activity!
The group of 36 people from Valley Bible Church (one of Rod & Mayra‘s supporting churches) was only here for 6 days, but they sure packed a lot in!
For one thing, they did 5 concerts in 4 days (which included their guest appearance at the 11th anniversary of the Path of Life Bible Church in Santa Barbara). The first concert was in an area known as Cuatro Vientos. A band from both the churches in Ixtapaluca joined together as the opening act – here they are!
The concerts were not without their glitches. In this concert, the cables ran across a street, with cars driving over them. The sound board was in a field, in the open – and yes, it rained.

The second concert was lots of fun because it was in our own neighbourhood. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel with people in our own community.
One mother brought her son up before the concert even started, and he asked me a question about God. Later, Randy (a man from the team) and I had the opportunity to share and pray with a man who came to the concert. At one point, I handed him my Bible so that he could read a passage – and he said he had never held a Bible in his hands before! Needless to say, he left with one of his own.
On Saturday we were in downtown Ixtapaluca. Some ongoing confusion meant that we moved the concert from outside to inside, and started 105 minutes late. But no worries. We had lots of people to help us move cables…
And to help us assemble wheelchairs for those in need (lots of church people helped with that too!)…
And here’s the concert…
Here’s a close-up from Sunday morning…
The team members had a great time with families they were staying with (and we got to host two people – thanks for visiting, Priscilla and Mia!), a great time giving, a great time sharing the Gospel, and a great time singing. We were able to connect with new people, and even get together with people we already knew, through the service of this team. Yes, a short term team can make a difference. And so can you! Thanks for your prayers!
On Sunday they went downtown Mexico City to sing in a historic Methodist church…
Now, I could write and post more (and I will try to post some hi-res photos in our photo gallery when I have a chance). But I have something better.
See that guy? That’s Nick, and he was videotaping the whole time. He has put together some excellent videos from the perspective of a short term missionary here in Mexico City.
So I’m going to try to post one or two videos a day, each evening, for you to enjoy, since Nick is generously sharing his videos on YouTube.
In fact, why not start today? I’ll post again in a few minutes with the video from last Wednesday. Ok, AND a video from last Thursday. That way we’ll be posting exactly a week after the event.
Thanks, Nick!
Oh, also don’t miss this post from Rod: “Immeasurably More!”