A change in the weather
On the 24th of November, our wonderful streak of good weather ended at last. I loaded the van in a downpour, and I’m sure it will be some time before everything is dry again! I was pretty wet, but the good news is that I already have a cold, so I can’t catch one. I hope. As we drove from Beamsville to Mount Forest, Ontario, the moisture in the van slowly filled the air, nicely fogging up everything. The rain turned to freezing rain, and as it began to get dark we noticed that the ground by the road was starting to turn white. Today there is actually snow on the ground, something new for Nathanael to see!
Yesterday was actually a special day for Nathanael, because he got a new car seat. We were hoping we could wait until we got home – we certainly have enough expenses without adding this one – but the little fellow is just growing too fast. He’s too big now to legally ride in the old seat. So, here he is trying out his new throne, while Mom wades through the complicated instructions:

We’re now in our last week in Ontario. This week will be full of travelling, as we get around to see people that we’ve missed so far. Still, we simply won’t get to see everyone we were hoping to see (this is why we’re looking forward to an eternity in Heaven!). On Sunday, Lord willing, we’ll be at Heise Hill Brethren In Christ Church in Gormley. We’ll be sharing in the service and leading a joint Jr and Sr High Sunday School. Seven days, one province and three states later we’ll be sharing at a church in Delaware Ohio (see our calendar for details).
On a personal note, I started a bit of a Bible study when we were at Fair Havens. It’s a study by Jerry Bridges, based on his book The Pursuit of Holiness. Actually, this is a three-in-one book, The Pursuit of Holiness, The Pursuit of Holiness Bible Study, and The Practice of Godliness. It’s been pretty good so far, although I don’t agree with everything the author says. (It’s always nice to be able to say that, isn’t it? It makes you feel like you are a somewhat critical reader, and also means you can get away without fully endorsing everything, without having to write 12 pages of explanation!)
I do, however, agree with what the Author of the Bible says, and holiness is such a huge topic in Scripture that it’s good to come back to it every so often. It is such a priority, in God’s eyes, that we live a holy life. So it’s important that we know what that means!
I have a wonderful devotional book at home, it must be 100 years old or so. Every devotional takes one passage that talks about holiness (and there are hundreds) and investigates it. Every once in a while I’ve considered putting the pages online one by one (since I’m pretty sure it’s beyond any copyright). Maybe some day. It would be another good way to meditate on holiness.
Anyway, for now remember what God said: Be holy, because I’m holy (1Pe 1:16, Lev 11:44).