Born: 1 Nephew!

There has been a lot going on the last few days, but first and foremost we want to welcome our nephew into the world!  Here’s the announcement from Shari’s brother-in-law Nate on Facebook – at 5:52am their time (in Nairobi) (if I’ve figured it right!) yesterday:

We’re all at home now, everything went really well.  We’ve named him Ethan Samuel Kidder and he was born on 27 September 2012 at 4:42am weighing 8.0 pounds (3.67 kg).

So – welcome Ethan Samuel!  We praise the Lord that everyone is well – Shari’s sister Amy, and even proud sister Karina.  馃檪

I won’t steal their pictures, but there are a couple up on Facebook, and both Shari and I have shared them to our timelines if you would like to see them.