Notes of Prayer & Praise
From Jim, Shari, Hannah & Nathanael Cottrill
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This page is updated about once a month - we appreciate your prayers!
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Praise the Lord for the 15th anniversary of the Path of Life Bible Church in Jesús María in March 2025! God has been good!
Please pray for new leaders to be raised up and trained in all three churches here in Ixtapaluca.
Please pray for wisdom as we share and teach, that we may clearly and faithfully teach God's Word.
Continue to pray for Hannah and Nathanael, that they may serve God well in their jobs and all of life.
Pray that the Path of Life Bible Church Las Palmas would find a permanent place to meet and disciple new believers.
Pray that we would be able to continue living in the house we're renting if it's the Lord's will.
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