Christmas and Tennessee
Our search for the church in Tennessee is narrowing. Today we actually got a letter from someone in the church, which more or less confirmed that this was the church I thought it was, and it also gave us the address of at least one person in the church, so I’ll be writing a couple of letters soon!
Meanwhile we’re getting ready for Christmas like everybody else. I’m just about to go and help Hannah and Shari continue decorating the tree. This year we discovered that decorating can be a gradual process. There are parts that are easier to do when Hannah is in bed, and parts that she should be there for! Hannah’s just learning what all these wonderful ornaments are. “What” is one of her favourite words at this stage. What’s that? What’s in there? What’s this one? What’s this called? So I’d better run and help Shari answer some of her questions! Catch you later…