Back from the doctor
Since Hannah’s fever still was letting up, and remained fairly high, we made an appointment and drove across town to the doctor. We all went, since Hannah wasn’t really up to walking (and Nathanael is still learning). The doctor checked everybody out, and gave us the common yet nebulous “probably a virus” diagnosis. There are some tests in for Hannah, but generally he’s hoping it will all go away on it’s own. He did give us some suggestions for further medication and treatment, and warned us about one or two things to look out for as far as Nathanael is concerned.
So, we’re checking our medicine cabinet inventory and our activities-you-can-do-while-lying-on-the-couch inventory, and watching the kids closely to make sure that things don’t get worse. This is likely the same virus I have, but I don’t have a fever so am trying to keep away from the pills and keep working as much as I can.
On another note, it seems like there may be a problem with our comment system here – please try it out and let us know if you have any problems. To make sure that you have a fresh copy of the page, I suggest you reload it first, and then try to leave a comment. I would hate to think that thousands of people are leaving their well-wishes for the sick kids, and it’s not even working! You can contact us using this online form. Thanks for your technical help! 😯
17 March 2005 @ 1:36 pm
Hope Hanna (and your comment section!) gets feeling better.