He eats!
For a looooong time, we’ve been trying to get Nathanael to eat. In fact, you can see our first attempt here in our photo album. But no go. We’ve got lots of advice, talked to his doctor, nurses, and others. We’ve looked up information and advice from other parents, but no way is he going to eat anything besides milk (maybe a little water, if you’re lucky). As a comparison, 4-6 months is a common age to start eating solid foods. Nathanael is 8 1/2 months now.
Anyway, at the advice of the professionals we tried every food known to humankind (ok, not quite). We even tried those yummy smooshed up bananas. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. But he just couldn’t stand it. He looked at us as if we were trying to poison him. How could you trick me into putting this into my mouth?!
Anyway, all this silly build-up to say, he actually just ate something a few minutes ago! Can you believe it? And guess what it was. That’s right, smooshed up bananas. So praise the Lord for that! Hey – were you praying for us today? Thanks! Now, we’ll see if the trend will continue… 😉