The faith of Patrick
The 17th of March marks over 1500 years since the death of Patrick, missionary to Ireland. I thought you might be interested in reading his confession of faith, translated from the latin by John Skinner. This is a small part of his Confession (Confessio), a defence of his ministry. Patrick’s writings are full of Scripture, and he shows a continuous love for the Trinity and a knowledge that we are called to reach every nation with the Truth.
There is no other God nor ever was nor will be in future days, other than God who is unbegotten Father, without beginning, yet from whom is all beginning and who holds all things in being as we have come to learn;
And his son Jesus Christ whom together with his Father, we bear witness, has most surely always existed even before time began, begotten spiritually and present with the Father in a manner beyond human words; before all time began.
And through him have all things, seen and unseen, been made, then he himself was made man, and once death had been overcome, he was received into the heavens with his Father.
“And he has given him full power over over every name in the heavens, on earth, and in the depths beneath so that every tongue shall confess him that Jesus Christ is our Lord and God” (Phi 2:9-11).
It is he whom we believe and we hope he will soon come again, to be “judge of the living and dead who will render to each man according to his deeds” (Acts 10:42; Rom 2:6).
And “he has poured out abundantly his Holy Spirit upon us” (Tit 3:5-6), given us his pledge of our immortality. Which Holy Spirit makes us both believers, obedient “children of God and equal heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:16-17); whom we confess and adore, one God in the most holy named Trinity.