Look out our windows (part 3)
The windows of our house basically face out into our garden, so today you should be able to get a pretty good idea what it looks like. Starting in our kitchen here, you can see our lime tree and some plants to the right, and our van and trailer to the left (covered over, you can’t really see them well). Of course, with such a high window you can’t see most of the plants on the ground. Just for the record, the curtains and blinds you see belong to our landlords.
To the left you can see our other kitchen window, which doesn’t have a very inspiring view – just a wall. But I included it to be fair. If you look out at an angle, you can see a little more greenery. Nice inspiring view while we do the dishes, don’t you agree? Maybe we should paint a mural on there.
Moving on to the living room, we have a big window/sliding door combo dealy. Basically, you can see our driveway. Hannah and Nathanael’s scooters are backed up against the trailer.
To the right there is a more typical view out the window, since we’re often sitting on the couch. Hey, if you’re going to look out our windows, you might as well have a good look, right?
Ok, finally we get to the master bedroom. Those are vines you see in the middle (not sure how many of them are actually alive).
You can also see various other plants and flowers, the tall thing on the right grows chilies, and in the middle is a little lime tree. Right outside the window is a raised terrace (is that what you call it? "Terrace" makes it sound so fancy!).
If you want a better view, click on the pictures above to see the full sized version in our Photo Gallery. Except the second kitchen window – I didn’t bother with that one. Just use the drop down menu on the top right to make the picture even bigger.
And remember, this is part of a series. Look out our language school windows here, and the windows in the building where our church meets here.