Is Jesus God?
Yes. But read on anyway. 🙂
The best way to learn about the Triune God is by reading passages of Scripture in which He reveals Himself. However, after that, comparing some passages of Scripture can also be helpful. Here’s a quick sample that I wrote out on a 3×5 card many years ago, specifically regarding the Son – I thought I’d share it with you. Maybe you’ll find it useful.
- There is only one true God. Deut 6:4; Isa 44:6; Psa 82:6-7
- He is the Mighty God. Isa 10:21; Jer 32:18
- Jesus is God and the Mighty God. Isa 9:6; John 1:1; John 20:28
- We are to bow to and worship only God. Rev 19:10; Rev 22:8-9; Acts 10:25-26; Judges 2:19; Exo 34:14; Exo 20:4-5
- Jesus is bowed to and worshipped. Heb 1:6; Mat 28:9; Rev 5:8,13-14
- All glory is God’s. Isa 42:8; 1Chr 16:28
- Jesus is given glory. Rev 1:5-6; Rev 5:13; John 17:5
17 June 2010 @ 12:20 am
Jim: Good proof texts about the foundation of our faith!