The Fountains of the Deep (in front of our house)
Note: This post was originally written on the 20th of October 2013. I’ll update you shortly on what happened after I wrote it. 🙂
Last night there was a pretty good thunderstorm. This morning, we awoke to the sound of a gentle waterfall outside our window. Which isn’t normal.
Actually, it wasn’t a waterfall at all. It was more like a little fountain – water gurgling up from underground right beside our house. Well, and a waterfall going into the sewer.
In the area beside our door, one or two inches of water had accumulated, and the water just kept pouring out from underground.
Apparently something had broken.
I had to go to Jesús MarÃÂa early for a music practice, so Shari stayed home, attempting to get help and making sure that the house didn’t flood.
The house didn’t flood, but help didn’t come either.
Except that every once in a while a neighbour came by to point out that we have a leak. Gracias.
After a couple of calls to the water company, we received – promises that they would come today. Or maybe tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the little fountain continued – all day – to spew mud and stones all over the sidewalk. The water level by the house has gone down a little, but that seems to be because the leak is opening up a larger and larger chasm underground in front of the house and under the sidewalk.
I imagine we’ll wake up in the morning to discover our van is five metres underground, and our front wall is missing.
If Mexico City runs out of water, it isn’t our fault. We called the water company this morning.