‘Tis the Season for … Meetings?
It’s an interesting season around here right now. No, I don’t mean autumn – that doesn’t start for a few days.
It’s “conference season”! Well, that’s what it feels like. It just so happens that there are three different conference-type events coming up right now.
First, Camino Global missionaries in Mexico all get together for three days every year to do “housekeeping”, to worship together, to pray for needs across the nation, to be fed from the Word of God, and to relax!
Last year we enjoyed having the Brubacher family here, and they provided the worship music for the conference. This year I’ll be leading a little team, so I’m busy getting all the music ready for that.
Next comes a women’s conference, which is for the women of the “Bible churches” in Mexico City and area. Shari is the conference speaker this year, so she’s been busy studying and preparing for that. The theme is “Finding Peace” (see the graphic below, which is being used for promotion of the event).
Between that and preparing to lead worship at the first conference, there have been a lot of books and Bibles open all over the place!
After that (this brings us toward the end of October) is the week of meetings for Camino Global team leaders from all over the world. Last year the meetings were Guatemala, and this year they’re in Mexico.
Thankfully, there are a lot of other kind people who have been putting the work into that, but there are some things that I need to do by way of preparing for the meetings (being a team leader myself), and organizing some things for our visitors to the country.
So there’s lots to keep us busy up until the end of October!
Adding to the fun lately have been some – somewhat mild – sort of – computer issues lately, which need to be solved especially so that school work can go smoothly ahead.
Anyway, that’s just a little summary of some of the projects we’re working on right now!
17 September 2016 @ 12:07 pm
See ya in a week and a half!