Next Week: The World’s Top Migraine Experts in Your Living Room
You may remember the Migraine World Summit which took place last year online. Bringing together experts and advocates from around the world for a week, it was a tremendous success. This year, it’s being repeated – and you can take part, from your home, for free.
Last year I was honoured to be one of the speakers. This year I’ll just be attending. But I was able to Skype with one of the hosts of this year’s summit, and he has some big dreams for this year, and for the future.
If you attended last year, you’ll be excited to hear that there will be even more practical information, more cutting-edge research, higher quality video – and you can watch it all (or just a session that interests you) for free (as long as you have tickets. Which are free.).
The speakers come from around the world, from such familiar places of research as the Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, Mayo Clinic, Kings College London, and more. I’m familiar with many of the speakers, and I can say with confidence that this is a group of some of the world’s absolute top experts.
I don’t talk a lot about things like this here, but I do encourage you to seriously consider attending (via internet) if you have headaches, and/or migraine, or you know someone who does. The summit takes place next week, from Sunday to Saturday (23-29 April 2017). Again, you can just watch one session, or hang out all week.
Also, if you get your tickets, you’ll be able to see a highlights video from 2016 – and yes, I’m on it! 🙂
Feel free to forward this information to others who may benefit. And enjoy the summit!
26 April 2017 @ 12:14 am
Thank you so much for this information. I’ve already learned so much from just a few sessions. Today was the third day.