Talking Turkey (video)
This past week we spent a few days up in the state of Querétaro at an MK (missionary kid) camp, since everyone in the family except me is an MK!
Our friends who ran it did a great job, and a good time was had by all.
We were out in the country – farm country, with men on horses and cacti and chickens and all stuff like that there. One morning I looked out the window to see two turkeys wandering down the road. When I came out the door, they were right close to the building where I was staying.
Now if you’ve ever seen the movie Sergeant York (and you should see it), you may remember the turkey shoot scene where Alvin York “talks” to the turkey. That scene becomes important later on.
Anyway, I thought I’d give it a try myself, not having much experience with turkeys. And I discovered that yes – the scene is accurate (actually, I don’t know if the “turkey episode” really happened, but the movie is based on a real person). So here’s the video to prove it – yours truly, talking to the turkeys.
5 April 2017 @ 12:06 am
Loved it!! LOL! (Laughed out Loud!)