So sorry – it appears I misplaced the church. Can’t find it anywhere….
This coming Sunday, Lord willing, we’ll be celebrating the second anniversary of the Path of Life Bible Church in Las Palmas. Which means it’s kind of a busy week. Ok, crazy busy.
On Monday we were leaving the state for an overnight visit with our team of missionaries. It had been an exhausting weekend, and we were ready for a bit of a break. And that’s when I got the news.
The news was that we wouldn’t be able to use the hall on Sunday. That is, the hall where we meet as church each week. That is, where our anniversary service was going to be in a few days. The owner sent his apologies, and suggested maybe we could have it for more time the week after.
Because, you see, we were using it for a longer time on the 28th – special service, invited guests, decorations, activities for the kids, a special meal….
It would be impossible to move it to the next Sunday, because the 4th of November is the annual joint service with churches around the Mexico City area. We’ll all be out of state that Sunday.
Well, I left it in the Lord’s hands (after some initial shock). But God was kind, and sent us a bit of encouragement.
So Shari told her – well, she wasn’t sure what to tell her – sure, you can come … not sure where our church is, exactly. It might be somewhere this Sunday, somewhere else in 3 weeks – and then we will move to some unknown location….
So you’re welcome to come to our church, as soon as we find it.
Anyway, in spite of the church-of-no-fixed-address problem, it was just the encouragement we needed.
You’ll be glad to hear that when we returned home last night, we found out that the owner was going to let us use the hall after all – but only for the regular time. So we’re scrambling now to see if we can find a place for the after service meal and activities.
So — lots to be done in the next few days — lots more than expected! But we’re praying that somehow it would work out, and that we would have a special time together, and learn from the Lord about His great salvation (that’s our theme for the service – “Such a Great Salvation!”).
Lot’s of people are going to be involved on Sunday – special music, special presentations – we’re looking forward to it! Wherever “it” may be!