Stay Up to Date with our Newsletter!
I’ve mentioned to some of you that there was a problem with our sign-up form, for those who want to get our newsletter. It’s fixed (I think)!
The form is here: Join our Support Team!
I’ve often wondered if the term “Support Team” has confused people, but I’ve stuck to it for what I think are good reasons. Some people think that “support” means “please give us money”. But our Support Team includes everyone who receives our newsletter. Why? Because everyone supports us in different ways.
Is financial support important? Of course. And we have mentioned that we are looking for a little more pledged monthly support, to stabilize our support (we lost some support when Camino joined with Avant, for whatever reason). But many people also have encouraged us, advised us, and prayed for us.
So I stick with the term “Support Team” because everyone can support the ministry in Mexico, and although funding is important, it should never be the main and only focus of “support”. How many missionaries crash and burn, even though they have ample funds, but no one to encourage them or visit them or pray with and for them?
Anyway, there’s information about that here. And if you need to change your contact information, there’s a form for that as well – Change Newsletter / Update Options. If you didn’t receive our newsletter in August (it was the “Where shall I go…?” letter, with info about “opening up” in Mexico, and our visit to Canada), or if you’ve mysteriously stopped getting our (roughly) monthly email update, it might be because we have an old address or email address.
I think those forms are working, but if you don’t hear from us, just drop us a line to make sure we got the message! 🙂