Getting Back…
Getting back home to Mexico, and getting back into ministry, can sometimes be a challenge. Not that there’s anything particularly wrong, mind you. And we’re glad to be here!

Part of it is simply that (1) there were a few things we were planning to do over the summer here that we didn’t do, because we went to Canada, and (2) we’re still dealing with some things from our trip, on top of regular ministry.
But also, there’s quite simply a lot going on and a lot that needs to be done! 🙂
In a few minutes I’ll be going over to help set up for the institute class, which our church is hosting this week. The Church History course is continuing, this week the topic being “The Era of Liberalism, Progress, and Missions”. A few light topics, including Marxism, slavery, liberalism, missions movements and religious sects to finish off our week.
We’ve been enjoying a study of the Tabernacle as we continue our journey through the book of Exodus. I’ll be speaking tomorrow about the court and the altar.
Yesterday was Independence Day, so we had a bit of a focus on that last week, and we will again this week from what I understand. Last week I led the music and we sang quite a few Mexican worship songs.
Other activities are continuing – the men’s and women’s Bible studies, and youth group tonight. A kids’ class started up again while we were gone. So we’re looking at how things might change and adapt in the weeks ahead.
We’re so thankful for the men and women who are serving the Lord here with us. We appreciate so many of you who are praying. It’s completely cliché to say that these are challenging times, but indeed they are.
But as we continue our study of the Tabernacle, I’m reminded that when God gives the work, He also provides for the work. And somehow He gives it an eternal value. Praise the Lord!