For Bible History Buffs – actually, for Everyone…
There’s a lot of information online about biblical archaeology. Some good. Some – well, not so biblical!

But I would like to recommend a book which delves into history – specifically, moments when “God came down” – that is, when He appeared to and communicated with people in history. The book is called, appropriately, Where God Came Down: The Archaeological Evidence.
It’s a rare thing when a book is both a fairly easy read – with lots of pictures! – and yet still detailed enough to be useful. This book looks at 10 places “where God came down”, along with pictures and diagrams to help you picture what archaeologists have found. You’ll not only learn something about the Bible, but something about archaeology along the way.
The first chapter is arguably the most amazing. That we have so much evidence for something so ancient is mind-blowing. I mean, it looks like the famous trees were right there! But I’ll let you discover all that for yourself.
Another rare thing about this book is that the author actually seems to believe what the Bible says. Imagine! Sadly, that’s less common than you may think.
Part of the value of this book is that it’s new – it incorporates the latest research – but it also talks about older discoveries. Speaking personally, I often hear about some newly discovered item with a biblical connection. But it’s easy to miss the incredible modern discoveries that have rocked the world in the past 100-150 years. Putting it all together gives an amazing picture of these places that God blessed, and how that affected those places right up to today.
So whether you’re just curious, or looking to enrich your study of Scripture, or in a position where you can teach others, I recommend you go right now and grab yourself a copy of Where God Came Down!
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have arrived.
1 Corinthians 10:11