Looking and Praying for a Place to Meet…
We’ve been learning a lot, as a church, about what a church actually is. And it’s a big topic! But one thing we know is – it’s important to meet together.

After our service yesterday, Ezequiel and Oscar and I went to check out a nearby hall that we might be able to use, temporarily, to meet. After some cold Sundays, meeting inside is attractive! Of course, cold season will be over soon, but then comes rainy season with its own problems.
This place has its pros and cons. One issue is that there are no doors on the bathrooms – hopefully something than can be fixed!
There is a good amount of space for the main service. There is a small little room that might work for the children’s Sunday school – certainly not ideal, it’s like meeting in a storage closet (and no door there either!).
But – hopefully it will be temporary!
For the last two Sundays we’ve been giving people opportunities to be more involved. Partly in the Sunday service and all that entails. But a big job will be raising funds for a permanent place for the church to meet. We’ve met in three main places so far, and we’d like to be a little less nomadic!
So the congregation is coming up with ideas to raise funds. The church has already saved up quite a bit. And you can be involved too – just go here, click on the country you would donate through, and scroll down to the bottom of the page to read about the Path of Life Project.
We also talked about prayer on Sunday – another important responsibility that we have as believers!
Here’s one part of the study – what we learned about our strategic position in personal prayer. Pray with us for this special need of a place to meet!
We pray…
- with confidence, because Christ has saved us. (Heb 4:14-16)
- with humility, because we are in need. (Psa 10:17; Jam 4:6)
- with repentance, because God is merciful to forgive. (Psa 32:5; 1Jo 1:9)
- with joy, because God is a good and loving Father. (Mat 7:7-11; Joh 16:24-27)
- with hope, because the Spirit helps us in our weakness. (Rom 8:25-27)
- without ceasing, because God is always with us. (Mat 28:18-20; 1Th 5:16-18; Heb 13:5-6)
- in secret, because we look for God’s approval, not people’s approval. (Mat 6:5-6)
- with expectation, because we pray according to His will. (Joh 14:13-14; Rom 8:25-27; 1Jo 5:14-15)
- with patience, because we are God’s chosen people, and God will fulfill His purpose. (Luk 18:1-8)
- with thanksgiving, because God has always been faithful. (Psa 100:4-5; Phil 4:6-7)