Women Praying for Women
One of the ministries that Shari led when we were in Canada last year was having women pray for specific women in Mexico. She asked women from our church to share their requests for that purpose, and she had pictures of the women themselves. It was really neat for people to learn more about the personal challenges and struggles in another culture – in most ways, not all that different from the challenges that Christians have in Canadian culture.

Last Saturday was the other half of the story, as women from our church prayed for the women in Canada. 20 women including Shari gathered in our home. Shari shared the prayer requests from our Canadian friends, pictures included, and they were prayed for!

Being close to Valentine’s Day, it was a good chance to bake up some special snacks and spend time together as well – chatting and praying for some requests here in Mexico as well.

Our friend Amanda, who is here from the United States for a few months as an intern, also came and led a craft time at the very end. Card making!

It was an encouragement all around to have time to fellowship and pray together! And what an encouragement to see both sides – women praying for women across borders and cultures. And the Lord heard the prayer of hearts in both languages!
You can join in, and pray for these women too! They’re looking forward to a women’s Bible study which will start up in March. Pray that many will be able to attend regularly, to learn from God’s Word together.