Camp Bighorn Team Arrives
Last night Rod, David and I went to pick up the team from Camp Bighorn, which will be in Mexico for a month but in Ixtapaluca area for about a week.
It’s been good to start to learn a little more about Camp Bighorn. Their Journey program actually reminds me quite a bit of what we did with Friends & Followers at VTI. Of course at VTI the focus was the arts, and at Camp Bighorn the focus is more outdoor adventure.
That being said, at least two people on the team have some interest in drama, and so we enjoyed talking about Shakespearean English and improv over tacos. 🙂
The team is from the US, but there are a couple of Canadians on the team. However, they kept us well separated, lest we talk about how many medals Canada got in the Olympics as compared to the US. Then again, the embarrassing topic of Olympic hockey could come up.
Anyway, we gave them a good introduction to Mexico City traffic last night, and they’re back downtown today checking out the sites. I’ll meet up with them again tomorrow.
For the rest of their visit Rod has organized lots for them to do. They will be helping with community centre classes, youth ministry, English classes at a local high school, a special event or two… and of course they will experience the adventurous side of Mexican cuisine.