Motorcycles in Puebla (video)
So we were walking around the streets downtown in the city of Puebla, Mexico, and there were these motorcycles.
Some people were in costumes, other people not.
That’s all I know.
So we were walking around the streets downtown in the city of Puebla, Mexico, and there were these motorcycles.
Some people were in costumes, other people not.
That’s all I know.
Here are the ten most popular posts here at Finding direction for the last three months. This time, the “retro” posts seem to win out, with a “retro” from each month making the top ten (in this case, a “retro” is a post or video from 10 years before the date of posting). But of course there are eight other posts here to check out if you missed them.
As always, in chronological order (of posting) (earliest first) and the three in bold were the most popular overall.
This week I (Jim) will be heading to Cholula for a week of meetings with Camino Global team leaders and other mission leadership from around the world. We would all appreciate your prayers as we look to better serve the Lord with Spanish speakers around the world.
This is actually the first time I’ve been to these meetings here in Mexico (you may remember last year in Guatemala, and the year before in Honduras). So it’s pretty exciting to be more of a “host” this time along with the other missionaries here.
Lord willing, four missionaries will join me over the weekend to be involved in ministry in Mexico City. Mexico City alone is more populous than the entire country of Guatemala or Honduras, so it will be a different cultural experience from other years. 🙂
Now here’s a classic picture, taken on this day 10 years ago.
I believe this was at the bottom of the Calgary Tower. We did a lot of “site-seeing” in October, mostly while hanging out with friends for the last time before moving to Mexico. This was just over one week before we left, actually. It was a day off before we got back to work with last minute packing/documents/etc. One last “Canadian” moment, before focusing on Mexico!
By now hopefully you’ve read our recent update Church Planting: The Next Step. Now we’re sharing the testimonies of the interns that will be serving with us over the next few months. So far we’ve heard from Rebecca and Matheus. Today, we’ll meet Cheila Fernandes:
Hello my name is Cheila, I’m 25 and I’m from Portugal. I was born in a Christian environment but in a dysfunctional family, my mother was a single mom with five kids.
I always saw my mother like the person who disciplines their kids but not the person that I should respect because she didn’t give me a father, so I started to live a life without rules. Once, I felt that life wasn’t for me so I started to think about suicide. At that point one of my uncles shared with gospel with me, and that day I decided to recognize Jesus as my Saviour, and to let him be the father I needed!
My life didn’t change a lot, in school was really hard to keep the testimony of Christ but thank God one day in 2008, I went to a Word of Life Summer Camp and there after hearing so many things about God’s plans to his sons I decided to consecrate my life to the service of God! God started to work in my whole family, and now all of us are serving Him. On that day I knew that God was calling me to serve him.
Now I’m in my 3rd year of studies, and God was constantly showing me the need to make disciples. So I started to pray that God would use me in a ministry that would be a challenge to me. This ministry of church planting is a challenge to my life as a servant of Christ. I just want to practice 2 Tim. 2:2-5. I know that God’s church is something important to him and I know that he’s calling me to be part of it-serving now from this year to forever! Acts 20:24
If you want to help Cheila and the rest of our team, you can give directly to our community centre. Just go here to give in US$, or here to give in CA$. Be sure to specify Project #063576.