Tomorrow – Sunday Service #1
We’ve hardly had time to think, never mind write … but I thought I’d swing by here quickly to let you know what’s going on tomorrow!
Tomorrow we will be having our first Sunday service of all time in the community of Las Palmas. That means that a bunch of believers from the area will get together, worship God, hear from His Word, pray together, and ask God to prepare us for further service.
I have no idea how it’s all going to go, but we’re just going to try our best to serve and trust the Holy Spirit to do His work!
So in case you want to pray specifically, the service will be at 11am tomorrow. Rod Fry will be preaching, and Shari will be teaching the children’s Sunday School.
How do you prepare for a service? Well, aside from a lot of PRAYER? Well, there are sheets that need to be printed and copied, lessons that need to be prepared, music to be chosen, Bible passages to be studied, people to be invited.
And – remember, this is brand new – no microphones, no pulpit, no coffee maker …. We do have chairs as a part of the rental.
Uncharacteristically, I suggested that the coffee maker be a priority. Uncharacteristic, since I don’t drink coffee. See how understanding I am? (hah!)
Anyway, coffee isn’t really going to animate us spiritually, so do pray! I’ll try to send off a newsletter with a report (for those who are subscribed – if you’re not, you can sign up here).
5 November 2016 @ 10:18 pm
Wow! Exciting!
Yes, God wants you simply to be faithful
Lord, please give those taking part in this special service the wisdom and strength they need. Bring all the people You desire to be there out and warm their hearts with Your Word. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen