I said a few words at the two closing programs for our community centres. Here’s what I said (except I’ve written it in English instead of Spanish for your convenience)…
Who knows what the motto of our cultural centre is?
Give more Life to Your Life!
No matter what your age, gender, religion, or previous experience, you can experience more life here! More English, to communicate with other people in the world. More music to enjoy. More food — to eat! More crafts to create. More friends. More LIFE!
But, where did life come from?
Eighty eight years ago, some scientists started to talk about the “Big Bang Theory”. The idea was that the universe started with a big explosion.
But back then, most scientists (well, those that didn’t believe in God), said,“Big Bang?! No way! If the universe had a beginning, then . . . it must have had a Creator to start it going! And we don’t believe that.”
And now some scientists are trying to create new scientific models to say that the universe didn’t have a beginning after all.
But unless the universe appeared out of nothing all by itself, there are only two possibilities. It has always existed, or God has always existed. The source of everything is . . . well, rocks . . . or the source of everything is God, and he created it all.*
Look around you! (No, seriously – LOOK around you!) There’s life, there’s movement, there’s energy! Someone started the spinning top** of the cosmos spinning.
But at the same time, life seems to be fading as well. The top stops spinning. There is evil. Violence. Cancer. Flowers wilt. The car runs out of gas.
So next week is Holy Week – who has holidays? I imagine you’ll be more alive during your holidays, right?***
During Holy Week we remember a man who claimed He was God. But this man died. Life had gone. But then . . . His eyes opened . . . He moved his fingers . . . He could jump and shout. LIFE. Life had returned!
During Holy Week we remember Jesus. He said,”Life is more than food. You can’t even add to your own life. But there is such a thing as never-ending life, life that goes on, a life with forgiveness. In fact,” said Jesus, “I AM the LIFE, the only way to God.”
And so enjoy Holy Week. Enjoy your holidays (if you have any!). And I hope we’ll see you back here at the cultural centre in the future, to give more life to your life!
But think BIG! Think in purpose, freedom, life that doesn’t end. This life is only found in Jesus Christ. And if you’re not sure that you have it, I have good news to share with you, if you would like to talk.
* This is imprecise, but I think it’s accurate, if you use “rocks” as an illustration of the physical universe. No matter what you say about the beginning of the universe (here’s Stephen Hawking’s attempt to explain away a “need” for God), you can’t get around the fact that it is either the fundamental reality, or something outside of it is – by definition, God.
** trompo – a popular toy in Mexico, where a spinning top is flung out from the hand, and a string is pulled to start it spinning.
*** Funny, I got two different answers. In one community, a resounding YES! In the other community the kids preferred school!