Change of Address (and other strange mail-related stuff)
Some of you may have received an email about the change of address for the Camino Global office in Canada. Since this is the place we receive mail as well, I thought I’d better highlight it here too.
You can find the new address and other information about contacting us right here on our contact page.
If you are sending donations to our ministry in Canadian funds, this is also the new address for that purpose. Learn more on the Canadian donations page.
And now, an odd note about the Camino Global US office. No, the address has not changed – you can find all the same information about donating in $US right here.
But strangely enough, during the week of November 16-22 2014, the US Postal Service lost some of Camino’s mail. That’s right, a day or two of mail just vanished off the face of the earth.
So if you sent in a check that was never cashed, or you sent us a letter around then, you might just want to double check.
Weird, I know.
Thanks again for your letters and donations and all the other ways that you are a part of what happens here!