Baptisms 2013 (video)
What a great day yesterday! 26 people were baptized from the two Sendero de Vida churches in Ixtapaluca. Take the time (less than 3 minutes) to watch the video below and praise the Lord with us!
What a great day yesterday! 26 people were baptized from the two Sendero de Vida churches in Ixtapaluca. Take the time (less than 3 minutes) to watch the video below and praise the Lord with us!
What a day! Wow!
Today the two Sendero de Vida churches in Ixtapaluca got together and – had a baptismal service!
I’ll try to get some video and pictures up later. But let’s just say it was a truly unbelievable day. 26 people were baptized from the two churches! And – the stories behind each one of those lives – it’s SO incredible to see what God is doing here! It takes your breath away! (No, it wasn’t just the cold water in the pool – although that takes your breath away too!)
And guess what? Hannah was baptized! What a JOY to hear Hannah give her testimony and obey the Lord by being baptized! And our friend MartÃn and I had the privilege of baptizing her!
After we got home, a rain and hail storm hit. So we spent some of the afternoon cleaning up a bit of flooding in our kitchen. I think it’s starting to dry out!
In spite of it all, what a great day! Thanks be to God for His goodness and mercy!
(Psalm 103:8-13)
Here’s the third and final part of the series that lets you look out our windows! The first part was here, and here’s part 2. Now, let’s go to the third floor…
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Top left – the top of the stairs. These two windows face opposite directions. The other window is the window in the door that leads out to the roof, where we hang our clothes to dry. 🙂 The wall straight ahead is on our roof (don’t push it too hard, you might fall off!) You can see all the little red satellite dishes out there.
Looking out over our neighbourhood and beyond. I think the window is open – hence one side is darker than the other. You can see the white or black water tanks on the top of some of the roofs.
Looking out the other direction. Now, I should say that this is the window I often use to take pictures of the spectacular volcanoes. However, you have to look out at an angle to see them – this photo is taken looking straight out. You can see someone else’s roof out there with the white skylights.
This looks out over our roof to the house next door. Sorry about the junk – this is “that room” where the junk goes.
By the way, that white thing going across is plastic attached to the far wall. We put it there to keep the rain from running down the wall and soaking between the two houses. Crude, but effective!
Thanks for looking out our windows! Now – come visit, and have a look inside! 🙂
Want a closer view? These pictures are currently in our photo gallery here.
I guess I haven’t done this for a while, so here are the latest tweets!
Incidentally, in case you want to know, the link in the dates below will take you to the actual “tweet” on Twitter. But often there’s another link (the ones that start with – and that is the article I’m talking about, or a picture I took, or a video, or whatever. So go ahead and click on those links to get the full story. 🙂
Tonight we had our first evangelism study (that’s evangelism as opposed to evangelistic – but it will probably end up being both!). I figure there were about 17 people there (which is an excellent turn out), plus maybe two or three that came and went.
My brain and my heart are too full to know exactly what to say – but I’ll just say this. I think the first evening went well. We had some interesting conversations during and after.
In a number of ways, this study isn’t like anything we’ve done before. I’ll let you know how things go as we continue!
As of today, the popular RSS reader, Google Reader, is gone. I’ve made good use of it over the past few years. But will I spend hours in mourning? No. Well, probably not.
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Instead, I thought I’d take this opportunity to remind you that we have a lovely news feed here at Finding direction, and that feed is still a very useful thing.
For those of you who haven’t really used news feeds before, a news feed like this (an atom feed or RSS feed etc) simply updates whenever something new comes along. In the case of our blog, it updates whenever I post something.
You can see the result of other peoples’ feeds on our blog. Right now you can see blogs from coworkers in Mexico, and the latest post from my Dad’s blog, posts from my blog in Spanish, and more.
The Finding direction feed is right here:
If you use a news reader (like Google Reader used to be), you can collect feeds from your favourite news sources (and I’m sure this blog is one of them), and they’ll update whenever something new is posted. You’ll often see a symbol like the one to the left, telling you that a website has a feed.
You can also subscribe using things like Microsoft Outlook, Firefox Live Bookmarks, and more. You can even get our feed by email (see the right sidebar on this blog).
Personally, I finally decided to go with Feedly, at least for the time being. It has its pros and cons, to be sure, but it’s readily available on things like smart phones and iPods, and it’s heavily used, meaning it will probably be updated for a while yet.
Google has linked to this and other alternatives here.
With a service like Feedly, you can link to all kinds of sources (ie blogs, news, photos) in a category (ie My Absolute Favouritest Mexico Blogs) and read them all at once. You don’t have to visit all 6 websites just to see if there’s anything new.
So feel free to make use of the feed we have here! 🙂