Our van is verified. Talk about making a long story short.
Every six months our van needs verification. If we don’t get it, we are severely limited in when we can drive it. Normally this means visiting Verificentro, having the van emissions tested, and getting the sticker. We want a “Cero” (Zero) sticker, which means we can drive any time of the day or week.
This time it involved 6 visits on six different days, many conversations, and many hours of waiting. I’m certainly glad I didn’t wait until the end of the month for my first visit!
I was waiting today (and taking the picture below), and I was as prepared as I thought I could be. But in a complex situation there are so many things that could go wrong – in the end, it’s so obviously God’s choice to answer or prayers or not. So thank you to those who were praying about this. It’s another one of those “small” things that quickly eats up a lot of time and energy.
In other news, we were charged about $100 that we felt was an unjust charge. Yesterday we finally heard that we wouldn’t have to pay it – two bits of good news for you!
On the visa front, things remain as complicated as ever. We had some more conversations with the lawyer this week, and it’s looking now that it will be several weeks or more likely months before anything is resolved. Not only has the system changed, it may change significantly again as our new president takes office.
So we’re trying to decide what the next step will be!
But again, God is in control. So we look to Him and wait for His plan in this matter.