I’ve wanted to post here, but haven’t been able to. So I thought I’d stop by tonight to at least let you know I’ve been thinking about you all! 🙂
I don’t know when November became so busy – it seems like everything is “due” this month. And I haven’t made a lot of progress crossing the right things of my list. Which means the last half of the month will be as crazy as the first.
But aside from all the business, Shari and I have been sick. Shari had an ear infection starting late last month – which seems like it may be gone now. But then we got some other bug, and it’s a nasty one.
Actually, Thursday night I was sicker than I’ve been in a long time. I was actually quite concerned, and starting to imagine doctor’s visits and medications and hospitals.
However, although I was feeling pretty rotten today, it seems like the whatever-it-is is progressing and starting to go away. So Lord willing we’ll be feeling better soon.
That is to say, we’ve been in survival mode for the last couple of weeks.
On the practical side, I’ve been trying to get some things done – like paying a bill (forgot to bring it with me – twice), getting our van verified (No-go. They told me to get a tune-up and come back.), and get our visas (our lawyer tells us the laws are changing again, and we should wait for a call before we mail the rest of our documents).
But it hasn’t been all bad. Shari had a good baking class this week, with a lot of new women. Our Bible study on Tuesday was on evangelism, and I think we had a really good discussion. And we’ve been able to have some other good conversations with some other people. Oh yes, in spite of it all, there has been a lot going on!
Next week we’ll be going on a retreat – on the Gulf of Mexico. I know, we’re really suffering. 😉 It should be about 7°C or more warmer there than it is here, which will be nice. We’re looking forward to spending some time with friends there.
And to conclude our report on the week – a shot from Hannah and Nathanael’s swimming class: