"pero al que no trabaja, pero cree en Aquél que justifica al impío, su fe se le cuenta por justicia."
(Romanos 4:5 NBLH)
"And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness"
(Romans 4:5 ESV)
This is the second verse in our two verse set. (Of course, it’s still in the middle of a sentence in English. But knowing Paul, in Greek it probably goes on longer than in either translation!)
Yesterday Paul pointed out that your salary is not a gift – it’s something that is indebted to you. But what if you don’t work?
Of course this doesn’t mean that we don’t do anything. It means that we’re not working for what we receive – and that is, justification.
Because, after all – and this is such a beautiful phrase – God justifies the ungodly. Not the fairly righteous, not the deserving, not the spiritually sensitive – – the ungodly!
Are you starting to see why I said yesterday that these verses should be highlighted in your Bible, and that you should study them and think about them?
God justifies the ungodly! He declares the guilty innocent!
How can He be just to do something like that? Well, that’s not really the point of these verses – that’s made clear elsewhere. But surely everyone in the world has hope in this verse – God justifies the ungodly.
Well, He uses faith. Now when it says his faith is counted as righteousness, Paul isn’t suggesting that faith is a good work that is traded in for righteousness. After all, Paul has made it clear that this is a person who does not work (how much clearer can it be?). Nor is the faith the actual righteousness.
No, God gives righteousness to the ungodly through faith. Righteousness that we don’t have and that doesn’t come from us is given to us.
That’s the righteousness of Jesus. Given to us – credited to our account – imputed to us – as ungodly people.
But God uses faith as a means – calling everyone everywhere to repent and believe. And receive perfect, incorruptible righteousness.
And it’s all available – to him who does not work but believes. Hope.
If you’re following along, here’s
the next set of verses – 10 more, giving us 21 in all (so far).