As many of you know, the church plant in Jesús María (Iglesia BÃblica Sendero de Vida Jesús María) grew out of the small house we were renting long ago. Move to another house? Well, they’re all small – no help there.
So we temporarily moved to a studio above some stores just for Sunday mornings. We rent it just for Sunday mornings, and every Sunday we move instruments, stools, sound equipment, etc, into the building, up the narrow winding stairs, around the corner, through the hall and into the room.
Good exercise, but not great for the equipment, or for the church budget. Also rather time-consuming.
Please pray with us that we can find a building – or a lot to build on – that can be used for ministry.
Here in Mexico, people love to get together and invite their friends and family. Events like getting together to worship on Sunday are a blessing.
But in these housing developments, everything is small. We’re praying for space.
The church family has been raising funds little by little. You can help too, if you like – in Canada go to and give to Project #63604, or for US funds go to and again give to Project #63604.
So here’s the building we’re in in the mean time. It’s the second floor, behind the arched windows. Normally it’s used for Zumba classes.
During the morning service on Sunday, all three store fronts are open below doing a booming business (this was taken before the service, when we were starting to unload instruments). I wonder what they think of our worship above their heads?
I’m attempting to take and post 30 pictures in 30 days. I believe the 30 days will be ending this week sometime…